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  • Writer's pictureVersatile Voiceovers

Why Your Online Reputation Matters!

It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.

- Benjamin Franklin

In the last two weeks, The Voice Realm has taken centre stage in the Voiceover world for their disparaging comments and poor behaviour. This is not new, and has been catalogued for many years. However, it seems to have reached a tipping point where the consequences will finally be felt by The Voice Realm. Rightfully, they are losing many artists and clients from their platform.

One of the most striking things out of the whole experience was the ability to go back over TVRs social media presence. They claimed in this instance that it was a rogue advertising agency / social media manager (an external company) that was responsible for the tweets and comments thus absolving them of the blame. When you go back through their feeds, you start to realise this is probably untrue:

They have used that excuse many times. Now, however, might be the last time they can use it. In the three years between both images, they still have not learned how to spell “Announcement.”

Reputation matters and is ultimately your most valuable currency as a voiceover business. For example, because I can turn work around in hours in solid audio quality and I follow up on that promise, I continue to work. Reputation is the lifeblood of your business. That includes online.

The TVR experience gives a good warning. Everything that you write, say, comment and publish online will hang around long after it was posted. This means as a voiceover business, you need to be aware of what you are posting online. I have a rule only to ever post that which is promoting, positive, uplifting and furthering of voiceover in my business and in general. There is one main reason why I have instituted this, aside from the fact that it is part of my value system. It is because in the years to come when Millenials and Gen Z have become the dominant buyers of voiceover services, cutting out middle people and going direct, they will vet prospective voiceovers by going through their social feeds and channels. If anything is found to be out of sync with accepted human values (non-discrimination, fairness etc) or with the brand values of the company they directly work for or are contracted by, then you will not get that job or go onto their voiceover supplier list. All because you posted something that you have (hopefully) grown up enough to realise was wrong.

You can start by doing the vet yourself. Go back over your posts. Are any clearly out of line, that you no longer believe? Get rid of them as an untrue representation of who you are.

If you don’t have social media feeds on the main platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) then you better get going because the future of voiceover booking comes from buyers that grew up with social media and don’t trust other ways like Agents or P2P. So get onto them and start developing a feed.

Above all, make sure what you spread online is uplifting, supporting, full of courage and spreading joy in your business and the world of voiceover. Before you post, review it. One poor post or mis-aligned comment and you have dug a hole for yourself that will take much work to get out of. People do business with people they know, like and trust. Spreading content and posts that engage these joyous feelings is one way to do that.


If you are not on the main social channels, reserve your handles and names asap. Of course, there is a whole lot of branding and marketing behind this (on the How to Thrive In Voiceover course) but it’s good to make a start. What is your voiceover business name (your name or a company name like mine) and get reserving those handles.

The most important factor is taking action. So take the step and build momentum on a daily basis over the long term.


Round 3 of “How to Get Into Voiceover” the jam packed 3 week Online and 1-2-1 coaching course begins early 2021. 3 weeks of immersion in the foundational principles of voiceover with a group of your peers. Cohort size is limited to 20 and included private 1-2-1 sessions throughout the course. Payment plans available including money back guarantee. Email me to find out more

The Advanced course “How to Thrive in Voiceover” is also coming early 2021. Going deeper into all the aspects required to run your voiceover business effectively at an advanced level, including core principles to run any business in Week 1, multiple audition demo challenges in Week 2 in every genre, and a deeper dive into taking your home studio to the advanced level including using Source Connect, along with private 1-2-1 sessions throughout the course. Admission criteria required with places limited to 20. Payment plans available including money back guarantee. Email me to find out more

If you like, please share.

Paul Mclaughlin © Versatile Voiceovers


69 views2 comments


Versatile Voiceovers
Versatile Voiceovers
Oct 23, 2020

Thanks for the comment. The whole episode affirms how strong the Voiceover community is when they stand together. Poor treatment won't be tolerated. It is also a good lesson in how not to operate. It reaffirms that spreading kindness, compassion and help are the bedrocks of being a beautiful human and doing good business. Onwards and upwards from your experience!


Oct 22, 2020

Great article! VoiceRealm is despicable, so I'm not at all surprised. Low rates, horrific, inconsistent and unreliable payment system, ALL-CAPS condescension, emails loaded with bold red lectures, juvenile tactics, and utter paranoia have consumed them. They do not have any kind of good reputation. When I finally left them a few years ago, I found out that they were running ads using MY NAME and directing traffic to their site. I emailed them and demanded just short of a cease and desist that they stop. Thankfully, they did. Maureen Parker even wrote me saying "No worries, we'll pass your request on and we'll surely remove this as we're all professional here." Uh, yeah. OK. They not only sully…

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